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The aim of the game is simple. Get your bowls as close as possible to a small white ball called the ‘jack’.
All the action takes place on a standard bowling green, which is a flat square 120 feet long. This is divided into eight playing areas called rinks.
After a coin toss, the first bowler (the Lead) places the mat and rolls the jack to the other end of the green as a target.
The jack must travel at least 21m from the mat and, when it comes to rest, it is moved across to the center of the rink.
The players then take turns to bowl. Each bowl has a built in bias causing it to curl several feet on the way to the target jack ball.
When all the bowls have been played, a competitor or team gets one point for each of their bowls that is closer to the jack than the opponent’s closest bowl.
After all the bowls have been delivered, the direction of play is reversed. This is the end of an end! Full games range from 12-18 ends.
Bowls can be played in singles, pairs, triples and four-player teams.
Each player has four bowls per end in singles and pairs competitions, three in triples, and two in fours.
The team captain, or ‘Skip’, always plays last and is instrumental in directing the team’s shots and tactics.
See a video introduction to lawn bowling. (Note: White clothing is NOT required for most events at the SLBC)